lifestyles / Action

Our Foodbank collections

Talk is cheap. We need action. 

From a foundation of prayer, because of what we’re learning about God and as we deepen in our love for each other, we aspire to be creators and bearers of good things in our neighbourhoods. 

So we have started The Mini Market Beaulieu, we litter pick, we busk, we create community art and we want to find other ways of being a blessing to this place and it’s people. 


Because we are a growing but small community our corporate action has been challenging at this time. However, we have facilitated a large collection for Chelmsford Foodbank every Friday from 9:30 - 11:30am. 

We also respond to specific approaches and requests from individuals in need at this time. If you yourself are in need or you know someone in need or you would like to know more please contact us here. 

Our Foodbank collections